Nurulhuda Ramli, Noraida Abdul Ghani, Nazihah Ahmad, Irdayu Ibrahim and Md Nor Irwan Shah Md Ab Rahim.

Keywords: FIRE ESCAPE, Fire safety, Evacuation, Human behaviour, Mobile apps

Abstract: The escape process from hazardous events to a safer place is the most crucial aspect during fire events. When a fire occurs, the human reaction is determined by his/her perception and understanding of the environment. FIRE ESCAPE is a mobile application developed to educate people on how to respond and behave appropriately during a fire event. It contains a collection of fire safety information, animation and simulation of human behaviour during fire. The special feature of FIRE ESCAPE is that it contains the state-of-the-art human behaviour model found in the fire safety literature which identifies the most influential factors or conditions that can lead to survival and successful evacuation. The model is validated by the experts in the field of psychology and risk studies. With it’s intuitive interface, this apps is intended for various level of society and can be used as an educational tool or learning supplement for fire safety training. Survey results from 20 respondents show that the application contains relevant contents, encourages knowledge discovery on fire safety, is easy to use, is highly engaging, has direct feedback from the fire safety trainer and is able to share the apps on other social media platform.

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