Chong Min Kee, Wong Shin Yi and Gan Lui Nam

Keywords: Capsicum annuum L., Ant repellent

Abstract: The title of the research is the natural ant repellent. This research is done to determine whether the natural plant such as Capsicum annuum L. can be used as the natural ant repellent and discover some of the reason why natural plant can be used as natural ant repellent. Capsicum annuum L. is chosen which basically contain the insect repelling properties. To test whether Capsicum annuum L. can repel ants, Capsicum annuum L. are cut into pieces and squeezed it into juicy form then sprayed around the candy A while candy without Capsicum annuum L. will be the controlled variable of this project. Placed the candy at the ants favorable place. Observe the candy for every 30 minutes within 2 hours period and observation is recorded. Instead, the treated candy with absent of ants for 2 hours showed that the selected plant is able to act as a natural ant repellent. In a nutshell, Capsicum annuum L. can be used as a natural ant repellent.

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