Mohd Ali Azraie Bebit, Suzlee Bin Ibrahimand Clement Anak Jimel

Keywords: polyurethane, relief painting, canvas.

Abstract: This research is exploring the potential used of material plastic or Polyurethane element and technique to produce three-dimensional forms as an alternative to canvas artworks. Canvas, being the conventional medium for painting has the limitation for to produce relief artworks and collages. Due to this reason, polyurethane as the potential property of petroleum-based material is explored as new medium of artwork. Exploration of material creates new medium for artworks and allow the artist to impose various techniques onto the material. Exploration of new material will challenge and enhance the creative process of producing an artwork. Thus, this research is more interested in experimenting polyurethane with various techniques, which may be useful for manipulating the material. The effect and results are not always as expected due to accidental effects obtained during the process. Therefore, the use of different techniques on the polyurethane has given satisfactory or non-satisfactory results due to its appearance on the artwork. Through simple tests it is proven that polyurethane has the potential character as relief artwork. It is stable, durable and flexible. In conclusion polyurethane is suitable to be used as an alternative to canvas for producing relief artworks.

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