Saffa Raihan Zainal Abidin, Siti Fadzilah Mat Noor and Noraidah Sahari @ Ashaari
Keywords: Serious game, Design and Development Research, low-cognitive, brain-based learning
Abstract: The digital gaming industry’s development is growing and expanding in various fields, including education. A serious game is one of the methods that gain popularities among children. This paper describes the application of serious games prototype incorporating the methods and approaches of Design and Development Research (DDR) for HALUS students in Pemulihan class. The effort in generating this learning prototype attempts to design, develop and integrate a game-based learning application. It is meant to provide an interactive learning experience for learners who have been through traditional non-computer based Bahasa Melayu teaching and learning methods. Their feedbacks and responses are then gathered and analyzed as the formative evaluation for the design and development principles. This evaluation shows its widespread use has changed the way of life and learning of children and has a great positive impact on literacy skills and increased children’s motivation in learning.