Azizah Zainand Jamilah Mohd Basir

Keywords: global readiness activity, kits, knowledge

Abstract: This study aims to see the implementation of the Global Readiness Activity  “GReAt” Kits for children aged six years old in preschool based on seven global aspects namely (a) communication skills (b) culture diversity (c) ICT skills (d) high-level thinking skills (e) environmental conservation skills (f) financial literacy skills and (g) basic safety and self-defense skills. The purpose of the study was to look at children’s readiness for these seven aspects. This study uses a quantitative approach using a written question and answer after the teacher implementation “GReAT’ Kits for teaching and learning for the seven aspects. The “GReAT” Kits consist of activities and modules that are related to the seven aspects. The study sample consisted of eighty-four preschool children from five preschools in Mualim district, Perak. Data were analyzed by looking at the mean differences in Global Readiness knowledge. Findings show that children’s highest knowledge is knowledge in basic safety and self-defense skills (mean =.89) and children’s knowledge in environmental conservation skills and financial literacy skills (mean = .90) are lowest than all aspects. These findings show that children need to be educated in global readiness to provide them with knowledge based on these seven aspects so that they are better prepared to face the ever-changing scenario globally. It is hoped that educators at the preschool level should plan activities that give more exposure to the global readiness of children at the preschool level.

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